Societies Showcase


The Societies Showcase event was postponed because of Covid-19 regulations from September 2020 to September 2021 and then again was postponed in March 2022. There is no confirmed date at the moment.

The contact for stall bookings is John Ready on 01799 528149 or 07813 591148 or

Since 2007 the Saffron Walden Initiative has organised seven Societies Showcase events in the Town Hall. These are opportunities for local Clubs and Societies to promote their organisations and recruit new members.

The most recent Showcase was held on 8th September 2018. With 24 societies taking part, this event once again demonstrated why our town has such a vibrant community spirit.

John Ready of Saffron Walden Initiative, said: “The many clubs and societies in our town cater for an amazing range of activities and interests at modest cost and how better to find out about them than by talking directly to organisers and members under one roof?"